Who we are
We are dedicated to kick-starting bright new ideas, accelerating new ways to cure cancer.

Our passionate teams
Thanks to your support, with you as part of our passionate community, we are able to take on every cancer, no matter the size or rarity. Together, we can work together to find the most impactful solutions to cure cancer and bring these ideas to life in record time.
To fund this life-saving work, we rely on a passionate, innovative and talented team striving to find a cure. Our volunteers, ambassadors, researchers, expert alumni, institutes, partners, employees, CEO, and Board all make it possible for us to fund groundbreaking research that brings us closer to a cure and a world where cancer is no longer a threat.

Our Board
Our Board of Directors is made up of a group of diverse and inspiring individuals who are committed to our organisation. They are passionate about funding emerging researchers and backing innovative ideas in the hope that one day we will all live in a world without the threat of cancer.
Paul Umbrazunas
Board Chair
Executive Chair PoweredbyPercent (Aust)

A/Prof Fernando Guimares
Chair of the Research Committee
Senior Research Fellow and Group Leader at UQ

John Ball
Vice Chair
CEO at Scyne Advisory

Steve Bourke
Chair of the Finance Risk and Audit Committee
Managing Director at PwC

Karen Hamilton
Chair of the Innovation Committee
Head of Delivery,

Our Patron
Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AO QC became a Patron of Cure Cancer in 2019 through her role as the Governor of NSW. The 39th Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency brings her deep commitment to education, youth leadership, human rights, and social justice to the role in service of the people of New South Wales.

Annual reports
It has been an exciting year for Cure Cancer, thanks to our wonderful partners, fundraisers, and donors.
Our community's support has enabled us to reach significant milestones of which we are all so incredibly proud.
Our ambassadors
Meet our amazing ambassadors who are dedicated to our mission to find a cure for cancer. They have supported us to amplify our cause and raise vital funds for cancer research.

Kate Jenkinson, Australian actress and Cure Cancer ambassador

Orix Australia volunteering at Sydney Airport
Our partners
Our alumni

A/Prof Venessa Chin, Lung Cancer Researcher

Our institutes
Our volunteers
We could not continue our fundraising campaigns and events without the support of our amazing volunteers, so why not come and join us?

Our volunteers and Chef Prakash at a Bunnings BBQ

Cure Cancer team at the Researcher of the Year Awards 2023
Our employees
Find out more about working with us.
Give today to fund the cancer research of the future

Let's stay in touch
To receive updates on our work, campaigns and our impact in cancer research, subscribe to our newsletter.